BeyondProxy, a publisher of investment research for the professional value investing community, recently added Doug Ott to its exclusive list of contributors for their website. The first contribution was Doug's thoughts on Motorola Solutions (MSI), a company in which Andvari clients are currently invested. You may read the post on BeyondProxy by clicking here.

BeyondProxy has an outstanding reputation in the value investing community for providing potential investment ideas and for interviewing many of the world's greatest investors about their methods, philosophies, and current investments. Great investors such as Tom Gayner (Markel Corporation), Howard Marks (Oaktree Capital), Tom Russo (Gardner Russo & Gardner), and Robert Hagstrom (Legg Mason) have either been interviewed by BeyondProxy or are subscribers. Doug is pleased and honored to be a part of this community.

Going forward, Doug will write about current investment ideas and investing in general. Stay tuned for future posts!


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