We seek exceptional businesses and we concentrate capital in our winners. We have used this strategy to outperform the S&P 500* since 2013.
*Data as of June 30, 2021. See this website's home page for further performance details. The S&P 500 Total Return Index is a float-adjusted, capitalization-weighted index of 500 U.S. large-capitalization stocks representing all major industries. It is a widely recognized index of broad, U.S. equity market performance. Performance calculations reflect the reinvestment of dividends. Because Andvari is non-diversified, the performance of each holding will have a greater impact on Andvari’s results and may make them more volatile than a more diversified index.
Andvari's Keys to Success
We concentrate capital
We do not dilute performance with filler positions. Our goal is to build conviction in a small set of names over a multi-year period and concentrate firm capital in those names. The vast majority of our money sits in 5–10 names.
We add to winners
We believe in watering the flowers not the weeds. Our typical position has been in the portfolio for years. As we build comfort and conviction in a performing name, we generally do not trim it or sell it. We like to let our winners run.
We are agile
We invest across many sectors and market caps to ensure clients have access to the best opportunities. We are typically overweight in Tech, Telecom, Consumer, and Life Sciences and generally avoid the Energy, Commodity, and Bank sectors.
Our fees are fair
We are not a sprawling fund business. We treat Andvari like an investment partnership by keeping overhead minimal and offering a competitive fee structure. Growing our collective wealth is our top priority.
We believe in alignment
The majority of our net worth is invested alongside our clients and within the same stocks that we recommend. We believe it is critical for investment managers to "eat their own cooking" and our money is no exception.
Investment Philosophy
Our goal is to outperform the S&P 500 net of all fees.
We focus on understanding the qualitative characteristics of a business which software algorithms and quant funds have difficulty valuing. Our edge stems from our desire to identify great people and businesses and our willingness to invest with them for the long-term. We move slowly and trade as infrequently as possible.
How to Invest with Andvari
The minimum investment for new separately managed accounts is US $250,000. We welcome investors of all experience-levels to inquire.
Accredited Investors
Andvari offers an institutional variant of its 'core', managed account strategy via a long-only, 'best ideas' format. The strategy is highly concentrated and suitable for institutional and accredited investors only.
©Andvari Associates 2021
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